Prayer and Discussion Group

· Meetings are held every Friday morning at 10:30 a.m.  We used to meet in one of the group member’s homes, but since the pandemic we meet on Zoom.
· Anyone who wants to explore the ground of their faith is welcome.
· Preparatory reading is not a requirement for participation.

· Said Morning Prayer service (BAS)–15 minutes
Morning Prayer readings normally follow the Lectionary for the following Sunday.
· Discussion—one hour

Topics are drawn from the current lectionary readings, the scheduled reading, or points raised by the participants.

· to meet and grow in friendship
· to pray together
· to deepen our understanding of our Christian faith
· to understand better what God wants us to do
· to use Holy Scripture as our guide
· to provide mutual support

Preparatory reading is helpful but not required to participate.  All are welcome. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Allan Jost for further information and the link for the next meeting.