Men’s Breakfast Group

The Men’s Breakfast Group gathers informally at 8:00 a.m. on the last Saturday of each month to share food, fellowship and common interests.

All men of St. Nicholas parish are welcome at all meetings. Volunteer members provide and prepare food for the monthly breakfast meetings. The meetings emphasize fellowship.

Often, meetings feature a speaker, as well as items of business (if any), a financial report (if appropriate), and a discussion about what the men might do to benefit the parish. At each meeting, those present are asked to make a five-dollar contribution for their breakfast. Projects and activities include improvements to the St. Nicholas building or grounds, sales from baked goods or food concessions, and events for the young people of the parish. The Men’s Breakfast Group uses its modest financial assets to make purchases for the parish or contributions to charitable causes.

Each month one of the members has agreed to take a turn at being the “coordinator” for that month’s breakfast meeting. This involves sending out an email reminder of the meeting about a week in advance, and asking people to let us all know if they are coming and what food item they might bring. The coordinator attempts(!) to keep track of the food coming to avoid duplicates, and keeps track of how many are coming to predict the quantities required.  Afterwards the coordinator circulates a summary of any decisions that were made at the meeting.