The two Wardens are an important part of the parish family, the Parish Council, and the Parish Executive. The Wardens take active roles in both leadership and management duties.
The management part of the role includes the usual things associated with management.
The Wardens don’t necessarily handle these things alone — others within the parish will certainly participate:
- Planning and budgeting for the ongoing parish activities and special events;
- Organizing and recruiting key people to take on activities/events;
- Monitoring how the activities and events are working (or not) and helping solve problems that arise;
- Keeping an eye on the overall operation of the parish, including the safety and well-being of our parishioners, visitors and the safeguarding of our assets;
- Maintain and update the SafeRChurch documentation and ensure the protocols are being followed.
The leadership aspect of the role includes:
- Establishing direction and imaging a vision of the future;
- Communicating the vision through both words and deeds so that the parish as a whole understands, and hopefully comes “on board.” That communication is definitely two-way – sharing the vision but even more importantly, listening to the parishioners’ voice.
- Motivating and inspiring so that people feel energized to overcome the inevitable challenges.
Other responsibilities include:
- Be responsible for seeing that a full and complete report is made to the members of the Parish Council at the Annual Meeting, of the actions taken during the year past, and audited statement of Parish finances, listing all investments held, insurance in effect and accounts payable.
- Ensure the thorough and accurate keeping of the Parish records and statistics.
- Subject to the direction of the Bishop, and in compliance with appropriate Canons, oversee and provide leadership to the Parish following the resignation of the Rector, or during his/her absence from duty.
- Within three weeks after an annual meeting the warden for the previous year shall transfer to the remaining or newly elected warden all books, documents, money, keys and other property of the parish which are in the hands of the outgoing warden.
- The treasurer of the parish, a paid staff person of the parish, a postulant and an ordained minister shall not hold the office of warden.
Time required: Commits to attending monthly council and executive meetings and to take an active role in the functions and activities of the church including weekly attendance at worship.
Applicable skills: Good organizational skills, creativity, good communication skills, willingness to explore new ways of being a church and an ability to delegate.
Term of Office: Two years