About Us

Hello and Welcome to St. Nicholas Anglican Church in Westwood Hills, Nova Scotia

We are located at 29 Westwood Blvd, Westwood Hills Subdivision, which is located just off exit 5 on Highway 103.

Mailing address: 29 Westwood Boulevard, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia B3Z 1H4, Canada

St. Nicholas is a vibrant parish. We have been in our new home in Westwood Hills since 2004, during which time our parish has increased from 25 to over 100 families. 

We gather at 10am for Sunday worship both in person and on Zoom. We follow a typical style of contemporary Anglican liturgy. Check our Upcoming Events page to see what’s going on this season. 

As a church community, we are always looking at what we are doing and why – and if the answers don’t line up, we change! Moving and growing with the Spirit as we are developing a deeper faith and understanding of how as Christians we are called to love God with everything we have and to love all people as the beautiful and cherished children of God they are. St. Nicholas provides individuals and families a welcoming place to worship, to share, and to grow in the love of God.

Our Wardens: Ken Charsley and Brian Rogers

Contact Us with any questions you may have.